Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Readin' II

The Catcher In the Rye - J.D. Salinger

This book is very much in the same vein as Less Than Zero. But considering Catcher was written way before Less Than Zero, its the original teen-angst novel. The story revolves around Holden Caufield, and is written from his first-person perspective. He even addresses the reader quite often. Holden has been thrown out of yet another prep-school. Not because he's stupid, but because he simply hates the people there, and considers them all 'phonies'. Holden takes off to New York for four days, and this is where the majority of the story takes place. Holdens story is one of dis-satisfaction with the world around him. School, most of his friends, and generally feeling he does not belong in the rich and posh life that his parents have provided for him. With this dis-satisfaction comes rebellion, cursing, smoking and drinking. I don't really get why this novel is has been so scorned over the years and considered 'dangerous' for youth to read. Its actually one of the most banned books of all time. After you read it you'll get what I mean. Anyways I highly recommend this one, its instantly one of my favorites.

On a side note, I recently watched the film adaptation of Less Than Zero. Fucking terrible. Don't see it. Barely keeps true to the story in the book.

Currently reading: On the Road by Jack Kerouac.

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