Sunday, August 30, 2009


Apparently the powers that be decided the police presence in Hamilton's Hess Village had to be stepped up a notch. This is being done by now having five horse-mounted officers standing at the end of a street, and I believe walking down after the bars are closed telling people to get the fuck out. Now they're probably right about the police presence part, it could be stepped up. I have actually seen some cops getting over-powered down there by the throngs of drunken brawlers that are a dime a dozen.

But, for one thing having these horses around there costs the city money, meaning costing me money. Second, and this is the most ironic part, the horses fucking shit all over the street. Anyone ever been hassled about having their dog take a big steamer, and not picking it up? Its very much against the law. These horses though, can just crap whenever, wherever they want, with nobody coming to clean it up. And its not like its tiny little crap that ToTo is dropping, these are literally small hills of shit. I brought the irony to the attention of one of the officers on the horses, and was ignored. I proceeded to make some comment about the hilarity of watching pigs standing in shit, and luckily I was not heard by any type of law enforcement. Thirdly, its kind of a hazard. Imagine hundreds of people walking around shitfaced (a possible and unfortunate result of someone with poor balance), who have enough problems staying on their feet and not puking, now have to worry about turning around and stepping in a nice steamy pile of horse shit.

Personally I'd love to see some rookie copper having to go around with a shovel and bag picking all that crap up. I just hope I have a camera when I see it.

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