Friday, November 6, 2009

Pot-City, U.S.A.

I saw this "In-Depth" episode of Intervention on A&E a couple of weeks ago, and it has really changed my perspective on some aspects of the legal and illegal Marijuana grow ops (both medical and non-medical). I never really thought about how turning a house into a grow op not only ruins the house, but has huge effects on the surrounding neighbors.

We tend to think that when we get our product, since it's just pot, no really serious crime has been committed, and there generally was nobody truly affected by this little plant. But it seems something else is going on, something that I bet very few of us actually take into account. I'm not saying we need to stop buying/smoking it, but I think its high time that we as users, the government as regulators, and normal non-toking citizens take a serious look at what decriminalizing, fully legalizing and eventually taxing/controlling this plant could mean. Maybe things in the ensuing video won't happen any more.

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