Monday, May 18, 2009

Returning to where it all began...(May 4th/5th Journal entry)

In classic personal fashion, I had left packing for my four month odyssey until the very last few hours of being in town. I remember sitting at Yas' house after inhaling some tasty but prohibited herbs and it hitting me like a ton of bricks that I was leaving the country in less than fifteen hours. Panic washed over me as I raced home to pack everything I thought I would need. I wish I could say I had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of uppers, downers, screamers, laugher's, but this is not 1971, and I am not the good doctor of journalism. Packing my clothes made me come to realize I need to expand my wardrobe, 'this is rather pathetic' I thought.

I stayed awake most of the night, pondering whether or not I had everything I would need...if I missed something, well, too bad. What I had would have to do. Of course I was awoken by my mother in a frenzy, stressing over us not making it to the airport in time for my 9 pm flight. We got there in time, and I was left on my own.

I sat at the airport bar guzzling rum and cokes while watching a replay of the Canada/Finland game that I had not seen yet. Watching the shootout was a stressful affair as we came out the losers. Fucking matter, not an elimination round. With that in mind I got in line for the plane as it was boarding. Good thing that game finished or I may have missed my flight.

The whole flight over I was calm and collected, watching the movies and shows that were available in these new kick ass Air Canada planes. You get your own touch screen and can select whatever you want. It hadn't hit me what I was doing until I actually landed in Paris. 'Shit' I thought. This could have been a huge mistake...then I got through the exit tunnel. I began to feel almost giddy, laughing to myself. To an observer I probably looked insane. Not a good idea in the Paris airport, these security guards carry fucking assault rifles.

Luckily an old family friend Alex was there to meet me at the airport and give me a ride into town, I was totally gassed. We hung out for a while, chatting and catching up as we hadn't seen each other in quite some time. Then it was off to my sister Sophies place, where I would stay for the next two nights.

What an exhausting 30 hours...

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